The Los Banos Prison Camp Raid

The Los Banos Prison Camp Raid

by Gordon L. RottmanJohnny Shumate Alan Gilliland and others
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 02/11/2022

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On the southwest shore of Laguna de Bay in the Philippines stood the Los Banos Internment Camp. Held within were 2,147 starving POWs, surrounded by thousands of Japanese troops. As the desperate battle for Manila raged, only 130 Paratroopers could be spared for the rescue operation. Supported by Alamo Scouts, local guerrillas, and amphibious tractors, they seized the element of surprise, and rescued the POWs. It was a stunning triumph of courage and perfect timing in the face of overwhelming odds.

General & world history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Bloomsbury Publishing
Gordon L. Rottman

Gordon L. Rottman entered the US Army in 1967, volunteered for Special Forces and completed training as a weapons specialist.

He served in the 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam in 1969 70 and subsequently in airborne infantry, long-range patrol and intelligence assignments until retiring after 26 years.

He was a Special Operations Forces scenario writer at the Joint Readiness Training Center for 12 years and is now a freelance writer, living in Texas.

Johnny Shumate

Johnny Shumate began his career in 1987 after graduating from Austin Peay State University, and now works as a freelance illustrator. Most of his work is rendered in Adobe Photoshop using a Cintiq monitor. His greatest influences are Angus McBride, Don Troiani and Edouard Detaille. He lives in Tennessee.

Alan Gilliland

Born in Malaya in 1949, Alan Gilliland studied photography/film and architecture, and spent 18 years as the graphics editor of The Daily Telegraph. He now writes, illustrates and publishes fiction as well as illustrating for a variety of publishers. He lives in Lincolnshire, UK.

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