Dive into 'The Love Letters' (mini fiction) a heartwarming tale of love, discovery, and the enduring power of affection. Set in a cozy antique bookstore, follow Samuel, the owner, as he stumbles upon a hidden treasure—old love letters with a rose seal. Curiosity sparks an adventure to unveil the story of Clara and Edward, two people from different times who shared a passionate and challenging love.
This heartwarming book invites you to unravel a story that transcends eras, reminding us that love, like a timeless rose, can flourish even in the face of obstacles. Join Samuel on his quest to uncover the mystery of Clara and Edward's love and be captivated by a romance that has touched the hearts of generations.
In 'The Love Letters' you'll find themes of love, history, and the joy of unraveling secrets. Whether you're a romantic at heart or simply love a good mystery, this enchanting story will leave you with a warm and inspired heart.
Author Sankar Srinivasan is Certified Market Professional of national stock exchange of India. This mini fiction is his first effort. Looking for your support.
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