After General George Washington's defeat at the Battle of Brandywine in September 1777, Philadelphia was under imminent attack by the British Army. In order to prevent capture of the city's tower bells, these bells were taken down and transported out of the city. This book tells the story of the two citizen-soldiers (John Jacob Mickley and Frederick Leaser) and the clergyman (Reverend Abraham Blumer) who were instrumental in saving the Liberty Bell. In addition, this book shines a spotlight on the Liberty Bell itself -- one of the most recognizable symbols of America. If you think of all the other national relics, the Liberty Bell supersedes all of them in the imagination and in the reality. We have a cornucopia of symbols to choose from, but every group has always picked this one -- probably because of the liberty connotation, through its inscription 'Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all inhabitants.'
- 9781005783648
- 9781005783648
- Category:
- History of the Americas
- Publication Date:
- 23-11-2021
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Raymond C. Wilson
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