The Moon's Shadow

The Moon's Shadow

by Jennifer Brown
Publication Date: 12/06/2023

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Once upon a time all the legends and stories were true. Animals were people and humans were the lost children of a new and magical world. Then a war between heaven and hell shattered the peace that existed between mortals and immortals. The world of magic was hidden from humanity behind an invisible veil.

Now thousands of years later a young girl named Alice can see through that veil. She can see the true faces of the gods and demons that exist on the earth alongside the humans that no longer know they are there. Her ability has alienated her from her peers and cast her out of normal society. She has found solace in stories from old books and the kind understanding of an old family friend.

When a creature unlike any she has ever seen before explodes into her life she quickly learns that the things she thought were only old stories are very real. She finds herself in the middle of a war that has been fought longer then recorded history. The salvation of the world rests in her hands. But, first she has to try to convince herself it’s not one of her delusions.Alice always thought she was crazy . . . at least, that's what she's been told by everyone she's ever met. Only one old family friend has ever believed the things Alice claims to see. But Li Tzu also knows that gods are real, that demons are real, and that the fables and myths he shares with his young friend are more than passing entertainment.

Like her literary namesake, Alice will soon find herself being chased down a "rabbit hole", but one much more ancient and far darker than any whimsical trip to Wonderland. Aided by a wily Fox and pursued by a legendary warrior as old as time itself, she will be caught in the middle of a millenia-old battle between the Heavens and Hell . . . all the while searching for a very different kind of missing Rabbit: a powerful creature who, long ago, was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice . . .

Science fiction
Publication Date:
Bunny Moon
Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown is the founder, president, and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting and the host of The Will to Change podcast, which uncovers true stories of diversity and inclusion. Brown's workplace strategies have been employed by top Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits. As a successful LGBT entrepreneur, Brown has been featured by media such as the New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., the Wall Street Journal, HuffPost Live, CBS, Fox News, and many more.

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