Helen Jewett's murder was the first tabloid sensation. The lurid details of her 1836 hatchet murder were featured in the newspapers of New York City for weeks. The New York Herald of James Gordon Bennett was the most prominent newspaper to cover the story. My work looks at Dorcas Doyen's ancestry. It details the names of her paternal and maternal family members. They came to Franklin County, Maine from New Hampshire. For a time her future looked bright. She was lifted out of her meager existence and into the family of a prominent Maine judge. In a short while her life was reshaped dramatically. She was courted by prominent men as one of New York City's most coveted courtesans. Her short life came to a sudden end in April 1836.
- 9781311998750
- 9781311998750
- Family history
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Robert Grey Reynolds, Jr
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