A Sweeping and Authoritative Look at the Changes that Will Ignite the Economies of America and its Trading PartnersBring on the Next Boom!In The Next Boom Jack Plunkett a widely followed analyst of global trends persuasively demonstrates that we are on the verge of a period of major economic growth. He presents a panorama of carefully documented developments in areas including energy health care education demographics global trade evolving consumer habits technologies and the rapidly-growing global middle classshowing how trends in America and around the world have tremendous synergy that will lead to a long-term surge in global business. Plunkett supports his theory through an entertaining analysis of global prospects for what he defines as the near future from 2013-2025. The Next Boom with its powerful and optimistic vision of the surprising changes ahead arrives at a timely juncture when confidence needs a vital boost in America and in the worlds major business centers.Optimistic provocative and far-reaching the author demonstrates how The Next Boom and its underlying causes will have a deep evolutionary effect on all of us. America is one of few nations with a rapidly growing populationPlunkett shows how this is a tremendous advantage. Meanwhile the next billion consumers will soon emerge on a worldwide basis. The author shows how and why this will vastly increase demand for goods and services attracting ever-greater innovation and competition among entrepreneurs and corporations. Plunkett is not suggesting that you look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Instead he believes that you will benefit most from the state of the world today by understanding the changes that are occurring around you in order to prepare yourself for The Next Boom. The book includes a reading group guide for book club use and discussion. In addition the author has produced a series of 10 short videos each one related to a chapter in The Next Boom. Links to the videos are included within the book and they can also be found on YouTube. This Book Shows What You Absolutely Positively Have to Know about the Near Future. The Next Boom is coming and it will be an exciting period of solid global growth that will create immense opportunities for investment business formation innovation and job creation. The information provided in The Next Boom is vital to investors managers consultants leaders in government and educators. This book will help you understand how to best position your business your investments and your career to benefit from the coming era of global growth.
- 9781608799015
- 9781608799015
- Economics & Business
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Plunkett Research, Ltd
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