The No Recipe Cookbook

The No Recipe Cookbook

by Gary Nichols
Publication Date: 21/05/2015

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Author Gary L. Nichols assures his readers, "There's a Master Chef in all of us," and shares three easy to learn cooking principles that will raise the culinary horizons of any cook from meals of mere pedestrian fare to tantalizingly celestial treats.

An invaluable primer on twenty-two basic herbs and spices, The No Recipe Cookbook teaches readers how to easily prepare exquisite meals from basic, everyday ingredients they'll find in their own cupboards. Quick meals they can turn into masterpieces with a palate educated in the use of these elementary herbs and spices.

The time it takes to learn "no recipe" cooking, the author points out, will be far more productive than the time it takes to memorize endless recipes. Like the maxim "If you give a man a fish, he'll eat today; if you teach him to fish, he'll feed himself tomorrow".

Gary's simple cooking principles prepare anyone to originate, from here on out, an exquisitely tasty meal at the drop of a mustard seed.

From the Back Cover

There's a Master Chef in all of us.

Want to become a wizard of spices, a maestro of herbs? The No Recipe Cookbook will take your cooking from a chore to a culinary challenge and will bring you accolades at your dining room table that you never dreamed possible.

With Gary L. Nichols' three easy to learn cooking principles, you can expand your cooking horizons beyond the pages of any cookbook and into the celestial heights of culinary adventure. The time it will take you to learn no recipe cooking will be far more productive than the time it takes to memorize any recipe.

An invaluable primer on twenty-two basic herbs and spices, The No Recipe Cookbook will teach you simply and easily how to prepare exquisite meals from everyday ingredients found in your own cupboard and move any meal from the mundane to the superb.

When was the last time you got a standing ovation from your family at dinner?

No Recipe Cinnamon and Lime Chicken Fajita, No Recipe Hazelnut-Mushroom Pilaf and No Recipe Insanely Easy Vegetarian Chili are just some of the mouth watering "no recipes" Gary shows you as examples of cooking innovatively with a palate educated in these elementary herbs and spices.

Find the Master Chef inside you and never again fear turning a quick meal into a masterpiece.

Cooking with herbs & spices
Publication Date:
Gary Nichols

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