The Pack #3: Two Truths and a Lion

The Pack #3: Two Truths and a Lion

by Lisi Harrison
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/12/2023

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Sadie and her pack of best friends are back one last time in this series finale about girls with animal powers from the #1 New York Times bestselling author Lisi Harrison.

Sadie and her friends should be preparing for end of the year finals but they are about to go on a mission to save one of their own. She was taken from school and they know just where to find her. Things are all going according to plan.

But suddenly there's a new girl at school—with the same powers as Sadie—who claws her way into The Pack. But this girl is fiercly confident and soon wants to lead them her own way.

Not wanting to start drama, Sadie bites her tongue but as their rescue mission begins these two girls find themselves butting heads. To make matters worse Sadie's BFF Lindsey seems to be losing focus...and the hyenas have figured out they left school and are on their tail! Can they navigate their secret mission and friendships to bring back their fallen pack member? Or will this adventure change them forever?

Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Random House Children's Books
Lisi Harrison

Lisi Harrison worked at MTV Networks in New York City for twelve years. She left her position as senior director of development in 2003 to write The Clique series.

That series has sold more than eight million copies and has been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than two hundred weeks, with ten titles hitting #1 and foreign rights sold in thirty-three countries.

The Alphas was a #1 New York Times bestseller, and Monster High was an instant bestseller. Her latest YA series is Pretenders.

Lisi lives in Laguna Beach, California, and has been a proud member of her own dirty book club since 2007.

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