The eight books about having a baby & raising a young child are as follows:
Book 1. Fertility Guide
Book 2. Contraception Guide (Prevent or Stop Pregnancy)
Book 3. Pregnancy Guide
Book 4. Baby Guide
Book 5. Children's Medical, Mental Health & Safety Guide
Book 6. Preschool-Young Child Education Guide
Book 7. Childcare-Daycare-Babysitting Guide
Book 8. Adoption Guide
You can't rely on any organization or person to take care of your child's health. You're the only one who can do it. There are lots of chemicals and other toxins out there that are harmful to babies and children that you rarely hear about in mainstream circles because of the business model in capitalist countries. If you blow the whistle on the many potentially harmful products out there, some big companies could go out of business.
If you want to protect your baby, you have to do a lot of the homework and research yourself. I'll point you in the right direction but you have to do the actual reading yourself.Â
A lot of this information is controversial because it goes against the corporate model of capitalism which is to sell product, never mind that it could harm your health somewhere down the line.
There are two ways to protect you and your baby's health:
Eat the right foods, do the right things.
Avoid the bad foods and bad chemicals.
I talk about health, vitality and aging incessantly in this book. I'm not going to repeat myself here. Go to #611 to #613 at the library for hundreds of health, food and fitness books.
I will list the substances that have been particularly found to be good for pregnant women and you can do the research to see what they say how these substances help with the pregnancy. It's as simple as typing the term into a search engine like:
Choline, pregnant or pregnancy
Folic acid, pregnant or pregnancy
Choline, for fetal brain development, found in cabbage, cauliflower, eggs, grape juice and soy products,
Folic Acid, prevents birth defects. Found in beans, brewer's yeast, citrus fruits, eggs, fish, fruit juices, leafy green vegetables, lentils, mushrooms, nuts, peas, pork, root vegetables, wheat germ, wheat and whole-grain products.
Iodine, the product in salt. Unrefined salt like natural sea salt is better than the usual refined salt you buy.
Natural Vitamin E supplements as opposed to synthetic ones. It helps premature babies fight off oxidative stress damage. Ask for natural vitamin E pills as opposed to synthetic ones at a health food store.
Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids, for brain development. Found in fish (which could be toxic because they contain mercury), flaxseed, flaxseed oil and walnuts
Vitamin D, in sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency may affect brain development and contribute to the development of diabetes.
Everything a mother eats, drinks and puts on her body topically both during pregancy and breast feeding could affect the baby in a way that damages it for life. Disorders like ADD, ADHD, brain cancer, autism, etc. could all be primarily caused by the chemicals and toxins a mother eats.
Aspartame which is sold by the brand names NutraSweet and Equal and other artificial sweeteners can cause brain damage and other brain related disorders in unborn fetuses, babies and children.
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