The Perfect Royal Mistress

The Perfect Royal Mistress

by Diane Haeger
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 27/02/2007

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Born into poverty and raised in a brothel, Nell Gwynne sells oranges in the pit

at London’s King’s Theater, newly reopened after the plague and the Great

Fire devastated the city. Soon, her quick sense of humor and natural charm

get her noticed by those who have the means to make her life easier. But the street-smart Nell knows a woman doesn’t get ahead by selling her body. Through talent, charm, intelligence, and sheer determination—as well as a keen understanding of how the world operates—Nell works her way out of the pit and onto the stage to become the leading comedic actress of the day. Her skills and beauty quickly win the attention of all of London—eventually even catching the eye of King Charles II. Their attraction is as real as it is unlikely, and the scrappy orange girl with the pretty face and the quick wit soon finds herself plunged into the

confusing and dangerous world of the court, where she learns there are few she can trust—and many whom she cannot turn her back on.

From the gritty streets of seventeenth-century London, to the backstage glamour of its theaters, to the glittering court of Charles II, The Perfect Royal Mistress is a love story for the ages, the rags-to-riches tale of a truly remarkable heroine.

Historical fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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