The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda

The Poetic Edda & The Prose Edda

by Saemund Sigfusson and Snorri Sturluson
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 26/09/2022

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'Edda' is an Old Norse term attributed by modern scholars to these two main Medieval Icelandic literary works of mythology: Contents: The Elder Eddas of Saemund Völuspâ. The Vala's Prophecy The Lay Of Vafthrudnir The Lay Of Grimnir The Lay Of Vegtam, Or Baldr's Dreams The High One's Lay Odin's Rune-song The Lay Of Hymir The Lay Of Thrym, Or The Hammer Recovered The Lay Of The Dwarf Alvis The Lay Of Harbard The Journey Or Lay Of Skirnir The Lay Of Rig Oegir's Compotation, Or Loki's Altercation The Lay Of Fiolsvith The Lay Of Hyndla The Incantation Of Groa The Song Of The Sun Sinfiotli's End The First Lay Of Sigurd Fafnicide, Or Gripir's Prophecy The Second Lay Of Sigurd Fafnicide The Lay Of Fafnir The Lay Of Sigrdrifa Fragments Of The Lay Of Sigurd And Brynhild The Third Lay Of Sigurd Fafnicide Fragments Of The Lay Of Brynhild The First Lay Of Gudrun Brynhild's Hel-ride The Slaughter Of The Niflungs The Second Lay Of Gudrun The Third Lay Of Gudrun Oddrun's Lament The Lay Of Atli The Groenland Lay Of Atli Gudrun's Incitement The Lay Of Hamdir The Younger Eddas of Sturleson The Deluding Of Gylfi Gylfi's Journey To Asgard Of The Supreme Deity Of The Primordial State Of The Universe Of Night And Day Of The Sun And Moon Of The Way That Leads To Heaven The Golden Age Origin Of The Dwarfs Of The Ash Yggdrasill, Mimir's Well., And The Norns Or Destinies Of The Various Celestial Regions Of The Wind And The Seasons Of Odin Of Thor Of Baldur Of Njord Of The God Frey, And The Goddess Freyja Of Tyr Of The Other Gods Hodur The Blind, Assassin Of Baldur Of Loki And His Progeny Of Ragnarok, Or The Twilight Of The Gods, And The Conflagration Of The Universe

European history
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