The Powerful Publicity Prescription

The Powerful Publicity Prescription

by Lilian Sue
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 18/06/2024

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Unlock the secrets of becoming a global industry leader, powerhouse pioneer and trusted expert with this deep dive into the impactful world of public relations. This compelling book will guide you through how to recognize and push past limiting beliefs such as fear, anxiety and imposter syndrome to develop a resilient and positive mindset for PR and marketing. From its intriguing history to the powerful impact of media relations, you'll receive invaluable step by step guidance on how to develop each element of a successful, global PR campaign to reach your goals.

You'll learn:

How to build exciting media kits to present your brand using engaging and fun audiovisuals

How to craft irresistible story pitches to attract media attention, no matter the platform or industry

To develop comprehensive media databases to get in front of the right audiences and build powerful relationships

The art of how to solidify concrete goals and the key performance indicators to measure campaign results

How to master interviews and presentation opportunities with confidence

And much more!

Armed with real world case studies and industry success stories from the author's rich client portfolio, embark on this journey to gain the confidence to share your story with worldwide audiences and develop long lasting relationships with media, influencers and collaborative partners to harness the power of public relations to fulfill your fullest potential as a global industry leader.

Public relations
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
In Retrospect Writing Services

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