The Psyche of the Golden Shield contains a vast collection of treasured hymns and Shabads from the Sikh scriptures that will give you the ability to create and live a life of fulfillment and excellence. These mantric hymns are arranged according to their effect, and a guide to pronunciation is included. The Psyche of the Golden Shield is a practical companion in the yogic art of the Shabad Guru - the experience of the Divine through the word and the sound current called Naad.
It has taken hundreds and thousands of years for these divine shabads to be brought down to the beautiful people of this earth. First given in the most beautiful celestial song of the Divine God in the form of the Japji, the Guru Himself then expanded and supplemented this by reciting the Siri Guru Granth Sahib.
In these shabads can be found wonderful philosophy, beautiful messages, and fabulous musical composition -- all of which give us moral mental strength, and the alma mater of our prosperity, popularity, and position in the world at large and in the heavens in particular.
This is a handbook of shabads, a celestial energy organizing tool. When used correctly following the details enclosed with each shabad, one can assure health, wealth, prosperity, and purity at hard times in one's own life.
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