Written by two award-winning public affairs professionals, The Public Affairs Guide to Scotland provides practical advice and guidance to individuals and organisations wishing to influence policy makers, and to contribute to legislative change in Scotland. The Public Affairs Guide to Scotland strips away the mysteries and misconceptions of engaging with the Scottish Government, Opposition parties, MSPs and the civil service and explains how to deliver cost effective public affairs activities that can achieve tangible outcomes. Robert McGeachy and Mark Ballard’s step-by-step guide will empower private, public and third sector organisations to manage their own public affairs programmes, without the need to hire expensive consultants or specialist lobbying companies, by comprehensively outlining: What your organisation could achieve by developing its own in-house public affairs activities How to identify the correct policy and legislative context via effective parliamentary monitoring and by engendering good relations with key policy makers How to engage with the legislative process including Parliamentary Committees, Members’ Bills, Public Petitions, Cross Party Groups, and Parliamentary Motions & Debates How to create, organise and undertake a public affairs programme most appropriate for your organisation including hosting parliamentary receptions, attending party conferences and joint-working with a partner organisation Full of useful hints and tips, and written with the benefit of years of experience and success in the profession, The Public Affairs Guide to Scotland is the essential tool for those organisations needing to engage with the legislative process of the Scottish Parliament and its policy development.

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