The Ragged Edge of the World

The Ragged Edge of the World

by Eugene Linden
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 17/03/2011

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A pioneering work of environmental journalism that vividly depicts the people, animals and landscapes on the front lines of change's inexorable march.

A species nearing extinction, a tribe losing centuries of knowledge, a tract of forest facing the first incursion of humans-how can we even begin to assess the cost of losing so much of our natural and cultural legacy?

For forty years, environmental journalist and author Eugene Linden has traveled to the very sites where tradition, wildlands and the various forces of modernity collide. In The Ragged Edge of the World, he takes us from pygmy forests to the Antarctic to the world's most pristine rainforest in the Congo to tell the story of the harm taking place-and the successful preservation efforts-in the world's last wild places.

The Ragged Edge of the World is a critical favorite, and was an editors' pick on

Conservation of the environment
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Penguin Publishing Group
Eugene Linden

Eugene Linden is an award-winning journalist and the author of The Parrot's Lament, The Future in Plain Sight, Silent Partners, and several other books on animals, the environment, and other issues relating to humanity's place in the natural order.

His previous book on climate change, Winds of Change, received the Grantham Prize Special Award of Merit. He has consulted for the U.S. State Department, the UN Development Program, and he is a widely traveled speaker and lecturer before audiences ranging from the intelligence community to the congregation of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. He lives in the Hudson Valley, in New York.

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