A lavishly illustrated, full-color manual for using ophthalmoscopy to screen and diagnose patients
Retina in Systemic Disease: A Color Manual of Ophthalmoscopy is a practical reference for using ophthalmoscopy to recognize the retinal manifestations of systemic diseases and to confidently develop a diagnosis on the basis of such findings. Divided into three main sections, the book opens with a discussion of anatomy and the normal fundus and then provides straightforward, step-by-step instructions of examination techniques with valuable pearls on how to optimize the visualization of the retina. Numerous chapters in the second section of the book present the major clinical signs in the retina with concise lists of conditions associated with each sign. The third section provides comprehensive coverage of various systemic disorders, enabling the clinician to rapidly locate information useful for diagnosis, staging, and treatment. Each chapter in this section provides a brief description of the disorder, fundus features, additional ophthalmic features, and where appropriate, management techniques and differential diagnosis.
- Succinct descriptions and bulleted text enhance ease of use
- More than 300 high-quality full-color photographs demonstrate the various retinal manifestations of systemic disease and illustrate important concepts
This color manual is a valuable reference for ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, and optometrists. It is an ideal resource for physicians and residents in a range of disciplines, such as internal medicine, diabetology, cardiovascular medicine, neurology, emergency room medicine, and pediatrics, who are involved in the care of patients with systemic diseases.
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