Pray the Pre Vatican II, Traditional Roman Catholic Breviary to sanctify the New Year and lead into Lent, in English totally in order! No back and forth flipping, no excessive clicking, no complex calculating what Day it is or which propers, or antiphons - just click the Date and pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Super easy.
*Optimized Table of Contents - click the Hour you need!
+ Sunday Mass Readings
+ Sermon sketch for Sundays
+ Extra Novenas & devotions for liturgical month: New Year, Holy Trinity & St. Joseph
+ 1960 Rubrics & Latin Mass Calendar
+ Link to the Hour in the Table of Contents
+ Exclusive Full Martyrology
+ Quarterly Edition
+ Traditional Psalm Numbering
+ Month of the Holy Name and Childhood of Jesus
+ Month of the Holy Family
+ Month of St. Joseph
+ January, February, March - pray entirely in order
+ Ecclesiastical English
The most important Catholic Prayers collection and the duty of every priest to pray daily, the Divine Office or Liturgy of the Hours is the foundation of the spiritual life and at the heart of all spiritual warfare.
"A man without prayer is an animal without the use of reason." - St. Philip Neri
"For me prayer is a surge of the heart ... embracing both trial and joy." - St. Therese of Lisieux
"It is simply impossible to lead, without the aid of prayer, a virtuous life." - St. John Chrysostom
Look for the April-May-June 2024 Catholic Breviary in the first week of March and please help spread the news about the traditional Divine Office!
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