The Secret Adversary introduces Agatha Christie's characters of Tommy and Tuppence, an out of work young man and woman who decide to become "adventurers" out of a lack of anything better to do. They quite accidentally get sucked into an international mystery that reaches to the highest levels of British government.
Agatha Christie's popular detective team Tommy and Tuppence make their first appearance in this novel, in which the duo is hired to find a woman who disappeared with sensitive government documents but soon find themselves drawn into a complicated web of intrigue, intelligence agents, dubious identities, missing government papers, false clues, and danger.
This story takes place shortly after WWI, and there are a few obscure terms -- even to my British coworker -- but they don't hinder the enjoyment of the story. It is interesting to see attitudes and philosophies of early 20th English perspective.
It's Agatha Christie, one of the best-selling authors of the 20th century, so you can expect good work. The characters are well-written, the story is quite gripping, and the ending is satisfying (if a tad predictable). This made you want to read more Christie and more Tommy & Tuppence.
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