The Shield of Heracles

The Shield of Heracles

by Hesiod
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/04/2012

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Along with Homer, Hesiod was one of the Ancient Greeks first epic bards, and one of their best. Hesiod is believed to have lived between 750 and 650 B.C., and along with Homer it was Hesiods work that was the oldest to survive in Ancient Greece. It is still unclear which one of the two great poets came before the other, a source of debate among scholars even during antiquity. Hesiod's writings are one of the oldest and most important sources on topics like Greek mythology, farming, economic thought, astronomy, and timekeeping. Among the works credited to Hesiod is The Shield of Heracles, an archaic Greek epic poem consisting of 480 hexameter verses. The poem is about one of the journeys of Heracles, better known in English as Hercules. Heracles and his companion Iolaus seek out Cycnus, the son of Ares, who had challenged Heracles to combat. The Shield of Heracles is so descriptive that the Ancient Greek artist Hephaestus made art for some of the imagery and vignettes in the poem. Although there is doubt as to when The Shield of Heracles was written, it has been historically credited to Hesiod.
Myth & legend told as fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Charles River Editors

Hesiod, a contemporary of Homer, probably lived in the eighth century BC in the backwater of Askra, a hamlet in Boeotia, on the Greek mainland.

As the probable author of both the Theogony and Works and Days, he is the first self-styled poet in Western literature, the first to tell us his own name and the first to advertise himself as a prize-winning poet.

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