THE SISTINE CHAPEL: A Study in Celestial Cartography is a highly mystical and contemplative inquiry into The Mysteries and Esoteric Teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Churchs only onus in the world is to re-articulate the sacred scriptures esoterically into as many artistic venues as possible. Through a comprehensive comparative analysis of the symbolic and esoteric patterns codified to the Judeao Christian Scriptures, the landscape of Jerusalem, Chartres Cathedral (stone and glass), Dante Alighieris La Divina Commedia (pen and ink), the Sistine Chapel (mosaics, paint and wet plaster) and Saint Peters Basilica (marble) the reader can determine for him or herself the efficacy of the esoteric science, which hails from the dawn of the time/space continuum as a direct missive from God.
The author discovered a relatively simple and yet extremely sophisticated mathematical and grammatical system of thought in ancient literature: the integration of the Seven Liberal Arts. Antiquity developed this esoteric science inherent in the soul/psyche to codify the Word of God esoterically into the worlds sacred literature. Each letter of the worlds sacred literature is symbolized and alphanumerically structured, which makes the interpretation of each word far more important than the sum of its letters.
The Holy Writ: i.e. the worlds religious literature is an encyclopedic library of knowledge relating wholly to the soul/psyche. There is no purpose for esotericisms existence other than for God to have a one-on-one relationship with the soul/psyche. Why is the soul/psyche seemingly in the world? How did the soul/psyche come to its present state of existence? What can the soul/psyche do to extricate itself from its plight when the dynamic forces of the world become too oppressive for it to bear?
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