The Soul & The Sea

The Soul & The Sea

by Benig Mauger
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 26/05/2023

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'Few story tellers can integrate Benig Mauger's rich understanding of psyche and spirit. This book will take you on a journey that will enrich you forever. I loved it.' Donna Eden, co-author, The Energies of Love

In The Soul & the Sea, Benig Mauger interweaves depth psychology with spirituality to present a new model of healing. Inspired by the sea and land around her home, Mauger draws from her own life experiences as a Jungian therapist and spiritual teacher to illustrate how connection to nature and the spiritual world can heal emotional wounds. In a time of spiritual awakening, emotional healing must move beyond psychology to be effective. As both a guide and a creator of a new portal for healing, The Soul & the Sea reads like a story as it charts the journey to healing through nature and spirit while serving as a tool for emotional healing and soul growth, showing us how to connect to our inner healer.

Complementary therapies
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Collective Ink

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