The Story of a Special Day is a series of (eventually) 366 books covering every single day of the year! A great birthday present or a special occasion gift they'll never throw away — a whole book for less than the price of a premium card! Each volume of The Story of a Special Day covers everything you want to know about your special day.
...What happened in history?
...Who was born?
...Who died?
What happened on *your* special day?
From celebrations around the world to significant moments in history, birthdays, zodiac signs, and all-month events, this ebook makes a perfect birthday present or anniversary gift — one that will be kept and remembered long after an ordinary birthday card has been forgotten!
This sample volume is free for you so you can get an idea what's included in each book. Please check it out—and if we don't yet have your day available, be sure to drop us an email at the address in the book. Enjoy!
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