The Successful Treasure Hunter's Secret Manual: How to Use Modern Cameras to Locate Buried Metals, Gold, Silver, Coins, Caches...

The Successful Treasure Hunter's Secret Manual: How to Use Modern Cameras to Locate Buried Metals, Gold, Silver, Coins, Caches...

by David Villanueva
Publication Date: 09/05/2015

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Don't miss this fantastic new opportunity to find a fortune. David Villanueva, shows how you can use modern cameras to quickly and easily locate buried and hidden treasure from a distance

There is nothing new about the discovery that buried metals give off an aura that can be captured by certain cameras. Louis J Matacia has been promoting a certain Polaroid camera for years as a major tool for finding treasure, which was great; the author found a cache of gold coins using just such a tool. The problem now is that the camera is obsolete, although still readily available on the previously enjoyed market and competition from digital cameras forced Polaroid to stop making the film in 2005. The last original film pack the author bought was two years out of date and cost $60. And it will only get worse from here on in, eventually becoming unobtainable at any price! So is that the end of using auras to locate buried treasure?

Not at all! The author set about trying to find a solution and came up with two! The first is that there is current Polaroid film readily available, at the time of writing that can easily be used in the camera. The second solution described in great detail is – wait for it – you can capture treasure auras with digital cameras! Not collector's items like the Polaroid, mind you, but recent models that you can buy anywhere tomorrow. And the digital camera works brilliantly. Auras can be obtained on gold down to a quarter of an ounce or less – that's a single coin or nugget! The camera can even discriminate between different metals – gold, silver, copper, etc. – all from a distance and can be used anytime during daylight hours.

By definition, instruments that can reveal hidden treasure from a distance are long-range locators. But you won't here about expensive commercial long-range locators that in use can be like searching a coal-bunker, in the middle of the night, trying to find a black cat that isn't there! This is long-range location at its best – showing you precisely where treasure is hidden. You really can see the color of the money (providing it's metallic or contained in metal) and what's more you can get started for less than $100 at present – you may even already have most everything you need!

Treasure auras are simply the appliance of science so you don't need any special gift to use these cameras – there is none of this hairy-fairy stuff about ordinary instruments producing extraordinary results in the hands of someone with psychic awareness. Hands-on is not even needed – hands-off is actually better! And, clearly, you have absolute discretion with this approach – you can take a camera almost anywhere and no one will have any idea that you are not just taking snapshots.

Of course, most cameras off the shelf do not photograph treasure auras – if cameras naturally photographed auras, most folks would take them back to the store complaining about the photo quality. So you may need to do a few modifications. But don't worry, it isn't rocket science – everything you need either plugs in, screws in or sticks on and all will be clearly explained. So for your modest investment in this manual and possibly some reasonable expenditure on equipment you will have the finest opportunity to find millions in buried and hidden wealth!


Introduction * The Treasure Aura Secret * The Polaroid SX-70 SLR Camera * An Iron Age Gold Coin Cache * Some Possibilities * The Digital Solution * Canon EOS 350D Rebel XT, DSLR * Olympus D-490 Zoom Digital Camera * Filters * Digital Image Processing * Image Processing in the Field * Metal Detectors * Treasure Law * Landowner/Searcher Agreement * The End of the Beginning * Bibliography * About the Author * Acknowledgements

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David Villanueva

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