The Texas League Baseball Almanac

The Texas League Baseball Almanac

by Tom Kayser and David King
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 04/02/2014

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Since forming in 1888, the Texas League has produced some of the most beloved American baseball players and seen more than its fair share of colorful events. In 1931, Houston pitcher Dizzy Dean pitched and won both ends of a double-header in Fort Worth, throwing a three-hit shutout in the second game. In 1906, center fielder Tris Speaker pitched for Cleburne to beat Temple 10-3. In 1998, Arkansas' Tyrone Horne hit for the "homer cycle" in San Antonio, finishing to a standing ovation. "The Texas League Baseball Almanac" delivers day by day the record-breaking events, personal triumphs and memorable games that helped to shape baseball in the region. Join authors David King and Tom Kayser on a nine-inning trip down one of minor-league baseball's most historic institutions, both in season and off. .

Local history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Arcadia Publishing Inc.
David King

David King is the New York Times bestselling author of Death in the City of Light, Vienna 1814 and Finding Atlantis. A Fulbright Scholar with a master's degree from Cambridge University, King taught European history before becoming a full-time writer. His books have been translated into several languages, including Chinese, Turkish, Polish, Korean, Italian, Swedish and Russian.

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