The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete

The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete

by Émile Zola
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 15/08/2022

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In 'The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete,' Émile Zola presents a vivid exploration of faith, disillusionment, and the evolving landscape of the late 19th century Europe. Bracketed by the cities of Lourdes, Rome, and Paris, Zola delves into religious experience, political upheaval, and the stark social realities of the age. His naturalistic style, rich in detail and character depth, situates the work firmly within the literary realism movement. A magnum opus of both emotion and intellect, the trilogy encapsulates Zola's dedication to depicting life's complexities, without shying away from controversy or social critique. Émile Zola was a French novelist known for his pivotal role in the development of literary naturalism. His background as a journalist and his involvement in the Dreyfus Affair undoubtedly influenced his perspectives, as he unflinchingly critiqued the moral and societal issues of the time. Through 'The Three Cities Trilogy,' Zola sought to dissect the role of Catholic Church and modernity's impact on traditional beliefs, a pursuit reflective of his passion for truth and humanism in the face of widespread change. This trilogy is recommended for readers who seek a profound understanding of the psychological and social transformations that characterized the end of the 19th century. Zola's narrative masterfully intertwines personal saga with historical tumult, offering a rich tapestry that is as educational as it is engaging. Scholars of literature, historians, and anyone intrigued by the human condition will find 'The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete' to be a thought-provoking and essential inclusion in their literary collection.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Émile Zola

Emile Zola, born in 1840, was the founder of the Naturalist movement in French literature.

His novel Therese Raquin caused a scandal on publication and was followed by his brilliant Rougon-Macquart cycle (1871-1893), a series of twenty novels focussed on one family.

Zola died in mysterious circumstances in 1902, the victim of an accident or murder.

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