In "The Tickencote Treasure", a struggling doctor gets the chance of a lifetime when an old sea captain recruits him for a voyage to Africa. Unsure at first, Paul Pickering accepts his offer, embarking on a journey that brings him to the coast of Algeria. After several uneventful days at sea, the crew is surprised to discover a strange ship floating toward them. Although it resembles an old Elizabethan vessel, the hull looks relatively new. Thinking it abandoned, a group of sailors boards the phantom ship to find it hermetically sealed. Hoping for treasure, they go below deck to find a strange old man instead. As the story unfolds, an atmosphere of mystery and an ancient legend threaten to overwhelm Pickering and his comrades.
- 9783988267016
- 9783988267016
- Category:
- Classic fiction
- Publication Date:
- 07-07-2023
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- OTBebook publishing
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