For those at peace with their Christ narrative, I advise you to stay at peace with your beliefs, and to not read this book or the two books beyond which all together, compile the Complete True Christ Revealed. His message of a Forgiving God, not requiring of the Cut or Blood Sacrifice of the Old Covenant, or the temple and its priests in order for one to be with the Divine, was and is his Good Message. By his life and death, it was to be proclaimed to the Whole World. But, that is only part of the story of Jesus, the rest of his early life from the significance of his mother's birth in Celtic Britain, to his marriage not to 'Magdalin', were all hidden till this book, "The True Story of the Holy Family". The true story is of the very Human circumstances of his family and the actual man who died on the cross, not in 31 A.D., but in 43 A.D.. Most importantly, sadly the Jewish babe visited by the Mageans from the nation-state of Como Magea, along with so many other innocent babies and juveniles then, were put to death by agents of King Herod, working for Rome. Herod's wife Mary Ana and her son were also put to death by Herod, for her proffering her son as the Messiah. Rome did not allow a Jew to be the Messenger. Jesus was to End the 7th (Jewish) Covenant, for Rome's 8th (August) Covenant!
Jesus described himself often as the 'Son of Man', and while a Rabbi (a 'teacher') he was not Jewish, he had not been circumcised by his biological father, of which Rome's Pilate would later confirm. The human father of Jesus and of Thomas, was once an angry and very violent man, who to escape his crimes, had fled from Britain to Judea. There he became the Repentant One. Jesus was a Prophet for having correctly predicted the destruction of the Great Temple, and an Imam, as his body was never found. Saint Bartholomew was stoned to death for relating what he witnessed of the removal of Christ's body 'to the above', while Saul later Saint Paul, was said to have held his cloak while he was being stoned to death! Bartholomew was and is Christ's first Martyr. Jesus was schooled all his 43 years, by advanced Druze and Druid wise men and wise women, including the powerful, wealthy, Macha De Leon, the 'Mother of the King', the Magdalin. Known for her having brought a dead person back to life, she was so known among Celts as the Morgani Le Fe. Not the mother or wife of Christ, but the mother of the king of the then powerful Celtic kingdom in Roman-controlled Britain, of Cathu Villainy, the true homeland of Jesus, where he was a local hero by another name. The person whom Jesus did marry may be the most shocking reveal of this book, involving ancient events, which are very relevant today. Much of the true untold life story of Christ, from even before his birth to his crucifixion and beyond, was first kept by Celtic Bards, and then secretly by Catholic monks.
A 5-star review on Amazon. 'The True Story of the Holy Family delivers as it promises. It is extremely well-researched and explores the true story of Jesus and his family that the New Testament fails to cover. This book goes back to the birth of his mother then the story slowly tracks and proceeds from there. One needs to have an open mind to enjoy this ocean of rare information that is very much worth it. The writing style of Dennis is lucid and engaging. It helps readers flow through the pages rapidly and get immersed in the narrative. This book deserves so much attention.

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