Hebrews 13:8-Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. (That doesn’t mean that new discoveries can’t be made with older information.)
Controversial, Biblical controversy
Taken from The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel-“And so how do you assess this Jesus?” It seemed like the next logical question-but I wasn’t ready for the response that it would evoke.
...”He was,” Templeton began, “the greatest human being who has ever lived. He was a moral genius. His ethical sense was unique. He was the intrinsically wisest person that I’ve ever encountered in my life or in my readings. His commitment was total and led to his own death, much to the detriment of the world. What could one say about him except that this was a form of greatness?”
I was taken aback. “You sound like you really care about him,” I said.
“Well, yes, he’s the most important thing in my life,” came his reply. “I...I...I,” he stuttered, searching for the right word, “I know it may sound strange, but I have to say...I adore him!”
I wasn’t sure how to respond. “You say that with some emotion,” I said.
“Well, yes. Everything good i know, everything decent I know, everything pure I know, I learned from Jesus. Yes...yes. And tough!
Just look at Jesus. He castigated people. He was angry. People don’t think of him that way, but they don’t read the Bible. He had a righteous anger. He cared for the oppressed and the exploited. There’s no question that he had the highest moral standard, the least duplicity, the greatest compassion, of any human being in history. There have been many other wonderful people, but Jesus is Jesus.”
“And so the world would do well to emulate him?”
“Oh, my goodness, yes! I have tried-and try is as far as I can go-to act as I have believed he would act. That doesn’t mean I could read his mind, because one of the most fascinating things about him was that he often did the opposite thing you’d expect-“
To quote from Chuck Murray, when you go fishing, use bait that Jesus can get behind.
Taken from Growing in Faith-A Guide to the Reluctant Christian by David Yount, Jesus and His Message-He was the son of an obscure carpenter from a provincial village and a tiny defeated nation. At the age of thirty he began a brief public life. He wrote nothing that has survived, held no office, spoke from no public platform (I find this part questionable). He never left his homeland. No one bothered to note his appearance for posterity. He spoke to no more than a few thousand persons, most of them ordinary countrymen. Within three years he was dead, executed as a common criminal.
Today, nearly two thousand years later, almost 2 billion living persons are this man’s followers. The world’s law, literature, and standards of decency –indeed all of man’s dealings are with his fellowman-reflect the continuing influence of Jesus of Nazareth. The world in which we live literally reckons time from the year of his birth. It is as if time itself began coincidental with Jesus.
Ephesians 4:14-As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;
Daredevil 2.13-A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen was written by Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez, based on material by Stan Lee and Bill Everett
Karen Page: I don't even know if I should start with the hostage crisis or rank or vigilante justice.
Editor: That's just... that's just garbage.
Karen Page: Well, it's news.
Editor: No, it's not.Not anymore, I mean. All the facts about that have been reported already. Look. If you... if you really wanna torture yourself this holiday, go ahead, be my guest. But at least write something new. Something different. Something that only you can write.
Karen: Right, which... which would be what?
Editor: The truth. Your truth, Karen. All of it. Everything that you've been through. Don't pull any punches. This is New York. People think that they've seen everything. Prove em wrong. Tell them something they don't know. Hell, I'd read the shit out of that.
My Cousin Vinny was written by Dale Launer
Vinny Gambini: Let me show you something.
[he holds up a playing card, with the face toward Billy]
Vinny Gambini: He's going to show you the bricks. He'll show you they got straight sides. He'll show you how they got the right shape. He'll show them to you in a very special way, so that they appear to have everything a brick should have. But there's one thing he's not gonna show you.
[turns the card, so that its edge is toward Billy]
Vinny Gambini: When you look at the bricks from the right angle, they're as thin as this playing card. His whole case is an illusion, a magic trick. It has to be an illusion, 'cause you're innocent. Nobody - I mean nobody - pulls the wool over the eyes of a Gambini, especially this one. Give me a chance, one chance. Let me question the first witness. If after that point, you don't think that I'm the best man for the job, fire me then and there. I'll leave quietly, no grudges. All I ask is for that one chance. I think you should give it to me.
(taken from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fickle on 9-16-2020)
Fickle-: marked by lack of steadfastness, constancy, or stability : given to erratic changeableness
The Vanishing (1993) was written by Todd Graff, based on a book by Tim Krabbe
Jeff Harriman: I just want to know what happened to Diane.
Barney Cousins: Then you'll want to listen to the story, and you'll want to listen carefully because sometimes the Devil is in the details.
Sections of Interest
Advertising Campaigns
Roasting Jesus
When Jesus Got it Right
Jesus and Faith
The Favoritism of Jesus
Jesus as Punk
When Jesus was a Realist
Jesus’s Mission
The Benefits of Jesus as Lord and Savior
Jesus as Action Hero
Jesus’s Yearning
From the Critics
On the menu today:
A steak dinner with all the fixins
A “Works” Pizza
All Meat Pizza
Shepherd’s Pie
Mother’s Milk
Salted Pork
Honey Garlic Chicken Wings or Spare Ribs
Toasted Tuna Sandwich
Coming from Alexis Skyrie's Desktop:
Uncovering hidden truths in the bible (this ain't the Bible Code, folks!)
Exposing God's/Jesus' Fallacies
Rebuking the sinners who refuse to see the light
From critics
Audiences aren't ready for "hardcore Christianity"
Matthew 13:52-Then He said to them, "Therefore, every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old."
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was written by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, and Philippa Boyens, based on material by JRR Tolkien
Gandalf: My dear Frodo. Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you.
God is the original pro wrestler. Think about it: I wanna fuck you up! (to sinners) Step inside the ring and play (to the righteous, having recieved the Holy Spirit). Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? (with apologies to Dwayne Johnson)
Taken from The Journey: How to Live in an Uncertain World by Billy Graham-Becoming a Christian takes only a single step; being a Christian means walking with Christ the rest of your life. Accepting Christ isn't the end but the beginning of a whole new life on God's path. Don't let anything keep you from that commitment.
My ebooks are designed to be Church Services in an ebook. While there is no door price and everyone is welcome, being a Christian, and being led by a Church entity, you must continually suffer for Christ's sake and take up your cross with tithes towards the Church in question. In light of this, there are reminders of Coffee Breaks throughout this document regarding Romans 13:7 with some more light Christian reading pertaining to the faith in question.
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