The Ultimate Shark Field Guide

The Ultimate Shark Field Guide

by Thomas Nelson and Julius Csotonyi
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 11/06/2024

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Swim alongside your favorite underwater creatures with The Ultimate Shark Field Guide--created as if a marine biologist painted these illustrations and made these notes while out collecting research.

Pick up the journal of a marine biologist and discover underwater mysteries with The Ultimate Shark Field Guide. Encounter sharks of all shapes and sizes and note observations on each species' appearance, size, diet, and more. Detailed watercolor illustrations will captivate young readers. This spectacular visual guide gets you up close and personal with some of the fiercest creatures on Earth, including the bull shark, the great white, the Ganges river shark, the whale shark, and the great hammerhead. Explore underwater landscapes with these incredible animals in The Ultimate Shark Field Guide!

Wildlife (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Applesauce Press
Julius Csotonyi

Julius Csotonyi is one of the world's most high profile and talented contemporary a scientific illustrators. Csotonyi has considerable academic expertise that contributes to his stunning dynamic art.

He has created life-sized dinosaur murals for the Royal Ontario Museum and for the Dinosaur Hall at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and most of the artwork for the new Hall of Paleontology at the HMNS.

He most recently illustrated the nonfiction children's books Discovering Sharks and Prehistoric Predators and resides in Canada.

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