Your complete guide to STAR TREK’s most popular progeny – both spectacular series guidebooks complete in one volume!
Originally published in 1997, this edition covers all seven seasons of The Next Generation and seasons one and two of Deep Space Nine.
- Episodes detailed – plot setting, action, writers, directors, stars and special guests
- Biographies of all major characters
- Exclusive profiles of actors and actresses
- Alien spacecraft and planet reports
- Wormhole and Warp-speed travel tips
- Starfleet ship descriptions
- Trek-by-Trek series comparisons
- Villains you have known and loved
- The starship Enterprise connection
- Behind-the-scenes beginnings and first steps
- Special effects and make-up geniuses
- 9780008240288
- 9780008240288
- Television
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- HarperCollins Publishers
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