Kind Reader,
While thou art putting Pence in my Pocket, and furnishing my Cottage with Necessaries, Poor Dick is not unmindful to do something for thy Benefit. . . .
I hope the profess'd Teachers of Mankind will excuse my scattering here and there some instructive Hints in Matters of Morality and Religion.
And be not thou disturbed, O grave and sober Reader, if among the many serious Sentences in my Book, thou findest me trifling now and then, and talking idly. In all the Dishes I have hitherto cook'd for thee, there is solid Meat enough for thy Money. There are Scraps from the Table of Wisdom, that will if well digested, yield strong Nourishment to thy Mind. But squeamish Stomachs cannot eat without Pickles . . . the Vain Youth that reads my Almanack for the sake of an idle Joke, will perhaps meet with a serious Reflection, that he may ever after be the better for. . . .And I wish his Profit ten times greater than it is.
For I am, dear Reader, his, as well as thy Affectionate Friend,
R. SAUNDERS. (Benjamin Franklin)
* This exclusive edition of The Way to Wealth includes:
The Axioms of Industry,
The Maxims of Money,
How to Get Riches,
Hints For Those That Would Be Rich,
and 19 other wealth-building pieces,
plus an original glossary created specifically for the writings of Dr. Franklin,
the father of self-help in America.
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