Absolutely nothing exciting happens in Maine . . . nothing, that is, except for the birth of one giant baby. "That's one wicked big toddlah you got there!" exclaims Uncle Bert . . . and so Toddie is named.Toddie's a baby just like any other . . . sort of. The thing is, he's big—really big. That means really big diapers, really big teeth, really big everything. From new booties that wear out the knitter to a bath in the ocean (it's fun to play with boats!), Toddie goes through all the stages of baby's first year . . . it's just a little different for Toddie.Kids will laugh out loud as they see Toddie get into more and more trouble. . . it's time for giant laughs all around!
- 9780307982438
- 9780307982438
- Humorous stories (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Random House Children's Books
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