by William Shakespeare and Sidney Lee
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Publication Date: 15/11/2017

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'THE WINTER'S TALE' collects a resonant array of interpretations and scholarly essays rooted deeply in the analysis of William Shakespeare's play, elucidating its complex narrative and thematic intricacies. This anthology sets itself apart by offering various critical lenses, showcasing a broad spectrum of literary styles from traditional close readings to more contemporary theoretical approaches. The anthology not only explores the emotional and psychological depth of Shakespeare's characters but also contextualizes the play within its late Jacobean environment, shedding light on its unique blend of tragedy and comedy, and its exploration of themes such as redemption and the dynamics of time. The contributors, including eminent Shakespearean scholar Sidney Lee, bring a rich diversity of backgrounds, from academic critics to seasoned theater practitioners. Collectively, their essays reflect the shifting paradigms in Shakespearean scholarship and performance interpretation, aligning with movements such as New Historicism and Feminist Criticism. This fusion of perspectives provides a comprehensive understanding of 'The Winter's Tale,' addressing its historical ambiguities and cultural significance, and encouraging a re-evaluation of its place in Shakespeare's oeuvre. This anthology is indispensable for students, scholars, and enthusiasts eager to deepen their comprehension of Shakespearean drama. It offers a profound journey through varying critical landscapes, inviting readers to engage with each essay's unique insights into 'The Winter's Tale.' Delving into this collection promises not just academic enrichment but also a greater appreciation of one of Shakespeare's most enigmatic plays, encouraging a robust dialogue among the varied scholarly voices it encapsulates.

Shakespeare plays
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Musaicum Books
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, in 1564. The date of his birth is unknown but is celebrated on 23 April, which happens to be St George's Day, and the day in 1616 on which Shakespeare died.

Aged eighteen, he married Anne Hathaway. They had three children. Around 1585 William joined an acting troupe on tour in Stratford from London, and thereafter spent much of his life in the capital. By 1595 he had written five of his history plays, six comedies and his first tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. In all, he wrote thirty-seven plays and much poetry, and earned enormous fame in his own lifetime in prelude to his immortality.

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