The Yahweh Confidence Scheme

The Yahweh Confidence Scheme

by Jim Richards
Publication Date: 10/05/2015

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This book contains the bulk of the first five books of the Old Testament (the Jewish “Torah”), edited for easy reading, along with commentary. Reading this will make you more of an expert on the Torah (and the Old Testament) than most Americans. The Torah itself is clearly full of lies, nonsense and immorality, as this book makes clear.

Did you know that God had many sons? [Genesis 6:1-3] Or that God said that if the Israelites continue to disobey him, he will force them to eat the bodies of their sons and daughters? [Leviticus 26] Or that anyone who works on the Sabbath, curses his parents, or commits adultery, MUST be put to death? Or that anyone who has sex with an animal must be put to death, and the animal must be put to death? Or that virtually every character in the first five books of the Bible (the Jewish Torah) lies, cheats and/or steals, often from their own family members?

Is this the kind of book that children should be studying?

Biblical commentaries
Publication Date:
Jim Richards

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