Theology and Human Flourishing is a forward-looking review of the life and work of a place with a gentle Christian ethos that has provided sanctuary and healing for many over the past 31 years under the leadership of Elizabeth Baxter. It consists of 18 essays, each written in their own distinctive style by experts from a range of relevant disciplines who are supporters of Holy Rood House.
The essays cover the variety of provision at Holy Rood House and its theoretical and theological underpinnings. In structuring the book, I imagined them as parts an evergreen flowering shrub, with shoots, flowers, fruit and foliage above ground, and roots drawing nourishment from the fertile earth with Elizabeth’s inspirational leadership at the centre, “the heartwood”, embodying the vision and orchestrating the whole complex process. We start with what is visible to guests, along with some historical context; move on to an “Interlude” of creative writings (fruit of the Holy Rood spirit), drafted by guests, and then delve into the theological and theoretical work that informs and nourishes the ethos, hospitality, worship, and therapeutic offerings. This division is, admittedly, imprecise. As with any vibrant organism or organization there is intertwining, entanglement and integration of the constituent elements.
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