(Piano Solo Songbook). As the last note hangs in the air, there is a magical moment when an audience will once in a while decide they want to hear more! The songs in this collection were arranged to serve as effective encores in a piano recital. Chosen from the popular music world, each selection is most likely known by most of the people in the audience. Some are meant to be fun, colorful sparklers; others are poignant parting statements. The performace time of under three minutes each will "leave them wanting even more!" Songs include: Be Our Guest * Dancing Queen * Good Vibrations * The Greatest Show * Hey Jude * Lean on Me * Over the Rainbow * So Long, Farewell * Sweet Caroline * Watermelon Sugar * and more!
- 9781705162828
- 9781705162828
- Musical scores
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Hal Leonard
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