A body in a garage. A revolver in a locked car. A chance meeting of two old friends on a plane. Is this a happy reunion...or a devious frame-up for murder?
The Risa Vitale that Adam Taggart remembers as a skinny daredevil kid trailing him around the ski club never showed any signs of becoming the attractive woman who greets him as he disembarks from a flight. His uncomplicated happiness at their reunion, however, ends shortly after she offers him a ride. Finding a revolver under his seat and a pool of blood in the back of her van quashes any hope of attraction. The biggest romance killer of all: The dead body of his stepsister in Risa's parents' garage!
- 9781925191769
- 9781925191769
- Adult & contemporary romance
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Writers Exchange E-Publishing
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