

by David Vernon
Publication Date: 22/06/2018

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Arms, legs and breasts were thrust through the bars and the desperation caused Mr. Fox to stumble back, muttering, “Good God!” before being accosted on the other side and pinned by dirty arms to the bars and his waistcoat pocket was explored by boney fingers. Fortunately Mr. Fox had displayed some forethought and left his pocket watch at home, but he still seemed genuinely surprised by the molestation.

“Geeeeeet back!” one of the sailors yelled and swung a bat at the limbs, which receded quickly after the crack of wood on iron.

— from “Mr Fox and the Button Girl” by C.J. Dainton

Don was dead. The kookaburras were laughing. The two events were not correlated nor even causal. It just was. Just like the mist was rising over the small lake, the sun was catching the dew-laden spiderwebs and making them shine like silver platters at a banquet and that there was a crisp eucalypt-damp-grass smell rising from the ground. Nature was celebrating the start of a new day and obviously cared nothing for Don’s predicament. But neither did I for that matter.

— from “Don and the Kookaburras” by Michael Wilkinson

Thirty-seven award-winning short stories from Australian and international authors are showcased in this entertaining and thought-provoking anthology from the Stringybark Short Story Awards. An open-themed award this collection of stories covers topics from romance to murder, humour to horror and everything in between. Dive in for some wonderful literary treats!

Short stories
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David Vernon

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