Table of Contents
Smoking Habits
Chapter # 1: Why smoking is addictive
Chapter # 2: Identifying smoking triggers in your life
Quitting that Smoke
Chapter # 3: Rules for quitting smoking
Chapter # 4: Additional tips to help you quit
Chapter # 5: Personal Stop Smoking Plan
About Relapse and Other Helpful resources
Chapter # 6: Dealing With Relapse
Chapter # 7: Dealing with withdrawal symptoms
Chapter # 8: Additional resources
About the Author
This guide has been written for the sole purpose of aiding cigarette addicts to help stop their smoking habits. Studies have proven that the habit of smoking cigarette is on the rise; this has lead to the increase of so many negative effects including diseases and even social problems among so many populations around the globe. This book illustrates reasons why people smoke; it articulates a constructive assessment plan as well as effective strategies that have over time proven to be useful when quitting the habit of smoking cigarettes. Lastly this guide also provides useful resources for the reader for more substantial and physical assistance from both local and international programs and centers that usually deal with cigarette addiction. It is the hope of the author that it proves to be practical and also convenient for the reader.
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