Erik Oestenkjaer is one of the world's leading sport psychologists and mental coaches,
and in this book, he draws from his more than 35 years of experience with optimization
and development of the will and willpower.
TRAIN YOUR WILL is aimed not only at top athletes and sportsmen, but for all,
who want to develop themselves and even surpass themselves. The book is written with
thoughts of you, who want to optimize your own performance, whether it is
as a parent, athlete, coach or club manager. Furthermore, this book is also for ambitious company employees, and managers.
A stronger will make it easier to get rid of the habits and attitudes that stand in
the way of a better life. The will is therefore both a solution in itself and a tool to achieve
anything you want.
"In my experience, a strengthened will can change everything", writes
Erik Oestenkjaer. You too can start strengthening your will anytime, anywhere, and at
any time and, any age.
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