Tumbling River Range is a classic Western novel written by W. C. Tuttle. Set against the rugged backdrop of the Old West, the story follows the trials and triumphs of a group of ranchers as they struggle to maintain their way of life amidst the challenges of the frontier. At the heart of the narrative is the protagonist, a seasoned cowboy named Jed Carlin, who finds himself embroiled in a bitter conflict with a ruthless cattle baron intent on seizing control of the Tumbling River Range. As tensions escalate and violence looms on the horizon, Jed must rally his fellow ranchers to stand together against their common enemy. Amidst the action and intrigue, "Tumbling River Range" explores timeless themes of courage, loyalty, and the enduring spirit of the American frontier. With its vivid descriptions of the untamed landscape and its colorful cast of characters, the novel captures the essence of the Wild West and offers readers an immersive journey into a bygone era of adventure and adversity.
- 9783989732933
- 9783989732933
- Category:
- Fiction
- Publication Date:
- 15-05-2024
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- OTBebook publishing
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