Tumult & Tears

Tumult & Tears

by Vivien Newman
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 31/01/2020

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During the First World War and its immediate aftermath, hundreds of women wrote thousands of poems on multiple themes and for many different purposes. Womens poetry was published, sold (sometimes to raise funds for charities as diverse as Beef Tea for Troops or The Blue Cross Fund for Warhorses), read, preserved, awarded prizes and often critically acclaimed. Tumult and Tears will demonstrate how womens war poetry, like that of their male counterparts, was largely based upon their day-to-day lives and contemporary beliefs. Poems are placed within their wartime context. From war worker to parent; from serving daughter to grieving mother, sweetheart, wife; from writing whilst within earshot of the guns, whilst making the munitions of war, or whilst sitting in relative safety at home, these predominantly amateur, middle-class poets explore, with a few tantalising gaps, nearly every aspect of womens wartime lives, from their newly public often uniformed roles to their sexuality.

First World War
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Pen & Sword Books
Vivien Newman

From 'noisy' involvement in History lessons aged six to a PhD that demonstrated that war poetry neither was, nor should be, considered an exclusively male genre, Dr Vivien Newman relishes turning accepted historical truths on their heads by seeking out women's overlooked stories. Following six books about the Great War which, according to a reviewer delivered 'cascades of insight and epiphany', she takes readers into the 1920s and, like the women she writes about, once again challenges pre-conceptions and accepted views.

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