This is the ultimate book for any enthusiast or professional who is tuning or modifying the Rover V8 engine. This essential read covers all aspects of tuning this versatile and much-loved engine, with an emphasis on selecting the correct combination of parts for your vehicle and its intended use. Topics cover the short engine; cylinder head modifications and aftermarket cylinder heads; camshaft and valve-train; intake and exhaust systems; cooling system; carburettors and fuel injection; distributor and distributor-less ignition systems; engine management; LPG conversions and, finally, supercharging and turbo-charging.
- 9781785006043
- 9781785006043
- Vehicle maintenance & manuals
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- The Crowood Press
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