Tweeting the Universe

Tweeting the Universe

by Govert Schilling and Marcus Chown
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/11/2011

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In 140 pages, two masterly popularisers present 140 explanations of the biggest questions in physics - in the form of 10 or so tweets per page. They set themselves the challenge of boiling down what is essential on each subject into sentences of 140 characters, and the results are both entertaining and brilliantly informative. Not a word is wasted. The reader is not patronized and learns something on every page. If only all science writing could be so precise and so economical.

Only science writers of a very high calibre could achieve such compression. Marcus Chown - 'the finest cosmology writer of our day' (Matt Ridley) - has known the Dutch writer Govert Schilling for twenty years. Schilling pioneered this very swift form of explanation in a Dutch newspaper, and suggested to Chown that they collaborate on bringing it to a wider audience. Tweeting the Universe is unlike any other science book.

Cosmology & the universe
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Faber & Faber
Govert Schilling

Govert Schilling is an internationally acclaimed astronomy journalist and writer. He is a regular contributor to New Scientist,Sky & Telescope, and Sky at Night.

In 2007, asteroid 10986 was named Govert in his honor by the International Astronomical Union. He lives in Amersfoort, the Netherlands.

Marcus Chown

Marcus Chown is an award-winning writer and broadcaster. Formerly a radio astronomer at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, he is cosmology consultant of New Scientist.

His books include The Ascent of Gravity, What A Wonderful World, Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You, Felicity Frobisher and the Three-Headed Aldebaran Dust Devil, and We Need to Talk to Kelvin, which was short-listed for the 2010 Royal Society Book Prize.

Marcus has also tried his hand at Apps and won The Bookseller Digital Innovation of the Year for Solar System for iPad. Marcus was a regular guest on the BBC4 comedy-science show, It's Only A Theory, with Andy Hamilton and Reginald D. Hunter, and often appears on Channel 4's Sunday Brunch.

Marcus lives in London with his wife, a Macmillan nurse. Whereas she does a very socially useful job, Marcus writes about things that are of absolutely no use to man or beast! Can time run backwards? Are there an infinity of universes playing out all possible histories? Was our Universe made as a DIY experiment by extraterrestrials in another universe?

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