The anthology features a collection of twenty-three short stories contributed by twenty-three different authors, showcasing a diverse range of styles, themes, and narrative approaches. Such anthologies were common during this period and aimed to highlight emerging and established literary talents, offering readers a variety of storytelling experiences within a single volume.C. A. Dawson Scott's role as an editor would have involved selecting and organizing the stories for publication, possibly with a thematic or stylistic coherence in mind. The anthology likely includes contributions from both well-known writers and lesser-known talents of the time, providing a snapshot of literary trends and voices in early 20th-century literature.
- 9789365825305
- 9789365825305
- Ancient history: to c 500 CE
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Zinc Read
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