With the current "soft disclosure" of UFO/UAP activity being acknowledged by the US Military and other governments across the world, there has been an explosion of television programs on that subject. These programs have been accompanied by a huge surge in ghost hunting and cryptid hunting programing as well. In all this, there has been a significant impact to the Christian faith. Pastors can't talk about it from the pulpit because it reduces their credibility in the eyes of those they serve in countless other areas. However, millions experience "abduction experiences" and have sightings on a regular basis. If the church remains silent, it seems they have no answer, and worse, cannot provide help to those who are suffering as a result of those encounters.
My book addresses UFO's, Ghosts, Cryptids (Bigfoot, Dogman, etc..) and other paranormal activity from a Biblical worldview. My book explains what people are experiencing and why. My purpose is to demonstrate that modern documented reports of alien activities, as well as the existence of Cryptids, and the various abilities demonstrated by both types of entities, parallel the abilities of beings seen in the Bible and in extra-biblical texts in wide use at the time of the writing of the New Testament. I will demonstrate that these phenomena are nothing new and that they have Scriptural parallels and explanations.
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