Collects Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #11-18. Miles Morales, the newly minted Spider-Man, teams up with the Prowler! But wait, isn't the Prowler a bad guy?! Caught in a moral crisis, Miles must choose between battling his uncle-turned-crimelord, or joining him to keep his family safe! What path will the young hero take? And what will be the dramatic consequences? Plus: With the nation at war, Miles Morales decides to become a member of the Ultimates - and he will do absolutely anything it takes to earn that right.
- 9781302369965
- 9781302369965
- Graphic novels: superheroes & super-villains
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Marvel Entertainment
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