For 25 years, there’s always been a home in Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader for those times in life you wish you could take back--“oops” moments, embarrassing accidents, spectacular failures. Because we never get tired of reading about unfortunate accidents (as long as they’re happening to someone else), here is a whole book of “the best of the worst,” the troubling and funny stories of things got terribly awry. Read all about:* The little math error that took down a spaceship.* A sexy stimulant that led to a man’s multiple amputations.* The politician who lost by one vote . . . because he was out campaigning and forgot to vote.* The couple that won millions in the lottery . . . and lost the ticket.
- 9781607107910
- 9781607107910
- Trivia & quiz question books
- Format:
- Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Printers Row
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