Uncle Sams Big Screw Political Worm Hole

Uncle Sams Big Screw Political Worm Hole

by Nellie Cake
Publication Date: 11/03/2022

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No one likes people who go against or talk against their country, but Uncle Sam is not our country, he is our government, federal and state in charge of taxes, military, chain supply, our money, and American's lives. You work your ass off all or most of your life thinking your going to retire in comfort or at least secure enough to have a meal a day. Most people don't realize that their retirement was and still is predestined by Uncle Sam and has to go through the politician's political wormhole before, during and after you retire. Your retirement and any government or state benefit you draw in life was pre-determined at birth with your social security number that was assigned to you by none other than Uncle Sam himself-the government.

When you were born your were assigned a social security number and for the rest of your life you will contribute to benefits you may qualify for or need or earned for later in life, but won't ever get. But it isn't going to be the great retirement you have always dreamed of because Uncle Sam will screw you out of what you paid to the government all or most of your life! The tiny check you get at the end of your working life in return for your hard work all your life is based according to if you worked hard and earned decent money, clocked in somewhere, was in the military fighting for Uncle Sam or was born with the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth during your life. In retirement you will only get a very small percentage of what you have put in all your life to Uncle Sam's government.

If you clocked in somewhere anytime during your life, if you served in the military, if you were born in America, Uncle Sam's political swamp is keeping track of you. Soon as you were born and assigned a number you went down a political worm hole. You may not realize how from the time you were born and got a social security number assigned to you that you are now contributing to a Government account under the guise of Uncle Sam. Giving Uncle Sam his part is supposed to be put into savings so to speak for when and if you become disabled and not able to work and for old age retirement. Wow this is a sad bursting your bubble and being the spoiler.

You worked your ass off all your life and many have paid high prices for babysitters or daycares so you could go to work and support you, your kids, or husband or just yourself. Whatever the case may be, all your life while you were working your ass off to build or provide a home for yourself and your family you were thinking you may get a little back later in life through some type of benefit from the Government, State, food stamps or retirement. Because hey, Uncle Sam has always made us all believe that if we always give, pay taxes to the Government and State (give to Cesar what is Cesar's and to God what is God's) that we will get a little bit back later in life to survive on when your not able to work or ready to retire.

Who would have thought that Uncle Sam was a thief, control freak, narcissist and a liar? Uncle Sam was supposed to have American's back later if life if we sign on the dotted line and promise or obligate ourselves to giving most of our earnings to Uncle Sam's political swamp through taxes in many different forms throughout your life that he/they will take care of us in retirement or through disability. I went through every benefit there is in America so I feel I know this subject well enough to inform and warn you. If you think your going to get disability, widow's benefits, death benefits, retirement, and food stamps to live happily ever after in old age. I'm only another victim, Uncle Sam's political swamp is the one bursting your bubble.

Social welfare & social services
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Nellie Cake

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