Under a Pig Tree

Under a Pig Tree

by Margie Palatini and Chuck Groenink
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 14/04/2015

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The publisher and author of Under a Pig Tree seem to be having communication issues. The author has written a clear, no-nonsense history of figs. But the publisher is sure she meant pigs. After all, what’s the difference between two measly letters? What results is a hilarious illustrated history of pigs, from the earliest times (“Pigs were presented as ‘medals’ to the winners of the first Olympics”) to the present day (“There is nothing better than enjoying a cup of tea or glass of milk with one of those famous Pig Newtons”). The author, needless to say, is not happy about this “little mix-up” and makes her feelings very clearly known—by scrawling all over the book!

With sticky notes from the publisher, angry scribbles from the author, wrinkles, and pages askew, Under a Pig Tree is a playful peek into a book in “midproduction” and a humorous look at the consequences of small mistakes, by industry pro Margie Palatini and up-and-coming talent Chuck Groenink.

Animal stories (Children's / Teenage)
Epub (Kobo - Fixed Layout), Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Chuck Groenink

Chuck Groenink hails from an overgrown village among the peat bogs in the north of the Netherlands, where he spent his formative years climbing trees, drawing, reading, and cycling. He attended the Artez Institute of Visual Arts in Kampen, graduating from the department of illustration in 2004. He lives in Hudson, New York with his wife and two cats.

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